An idea I've been working on recently as part of the
Parabola Project, which is essentially a fantastic wee book of poems and short stories with accompanying artwork, illustrations and photographs. I was lucky enough to be contacted and asked to produce a piece for the second issue of the project, more specifically to illustrate a great little poem by Molly Naylor. The poem, entitled 'Moving', has some fantastic imagery in it, exploring the experience of moving house and the feelings and memories that can be uncovered during the process of unpacking. There was a lot of visual inspiration to sink my teeth into here which allowed me to experiment with quite a few different concepts, before finally settling on the images above. In the end, I decided to concentrate on, and combine, two visual hooks. One being the idea of the character 'unpacking' forgotten memories as they opened the various boxes, whilst the other being the abstract sculptures, shapes and piles they crafted from the boxes and rediscovered objects themselves.
Apologies if most of the previous paragraph reads like the ramblings of a complete and utter idiot, but it's my best attempt at sounding like a competent artist who actually has the capacity to describe his work without resorting to just using the words 'linear' and 'conceptual' in every single sentence like I usually do, regardless of their relevance.